Just as you change the oil in your car and check it regularly, it is important to do the same for your HVAC system. During a hot Texas summer, your system works almost non-stop to keep your home cool. So it makes sense to make sure it’s working properly, and you can with regular Hurst HVAC maintenance. Nobody wants their air conditioner to suddenly stop working on a hot and humid summer day. This is just one of the many risks involved when regular air conditioner tuning is not performed. Here are others.

Risk 1: Poor performance of the HVAC system

Your HVAC system may not perform at its best due to something easy to repair. Whether you need a cleanup or a simple tune-up, BVS Home Experts can make sure your HVAC system is performing at its best. When it runs smoothly, it consumes less energy and saves more money over time.

Risk 2: Shorter shelf life

Buying an HVAC unit is a big investment. Routine maintenance will ensure your system lasts longer. Problems can occur due to general wear. If left untreated, they get worse over time. It is cheaper to have regular HAVC maintenance than to let the problem get worse and cause the system to shut down prematurely.

Risk 3: security issues

You can be a security risk when you ignore your HVAC unit. Annual maintenance can ensure your and your family’s safety. Some security concerns include:

Fire Hazard: If there is a leak in the oil or gas line, a loose connection in the power lines, or problems with the wiring, there may be a fire hazard.
Loss of Carbon Monoxide: CO poisoning is tasteless and odorless and can go unnoticed. It is a dangerous health risk to breathe poisonous gas.
Water leakage: If there is a blockage in the drain pipe, it can flood your home. Regular maintenance can help avoid all of these worries.

Risk 4: lower comfort levels

A new or well-functioning HVAC system keeps the rooms in your home at a comfortable temperature. If some rooms are colder or warmer than others, the fan may be dirty or blocked. Dirty vents make it difficult to evenly distribute heat or cold throughout the house. With repairs, you can make sure you feel comfortable in any room.

Risk 5: too much humidity

In addition to cooling your home, your air conditioner manages humidity and keeps humidity levels in check. This is especially important in our humid Texas climate. Without seasonal maintenance, the system can fail and allow moisture to enter your home. Risk 6: loss of tranquility

If you’ve just moved into a home with an existing HVAC system, you may not know how old the unit is or when it was last overhauled. For complete peace of mind, contact your local VHL Home Expert technician to come in and check your HVAC system.

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